v3.1 Custom Generator

Custom Generator

Table of Contents

Create Client provides support for many of the popular JS frameworks, but you may be using another framework or language and may need a solution adapted to your specific needs. For this scenario, you can write your own generator and pass it to the CLI using a path as the -g argument.

You will probably want to extend or, at least, take a look at BaseGenerator.js, since the library expects some methods to be available, as well as one of the included generators to make your own.

# Usage

npm init @api-platform/client -- --generator "$(pwd)/path/to/custom/generator.js" -t "$(pwd)/path/to/templates"

The -g argument can point to any resolvable node module which means it can be a package dependency of the current project as well as any js file.

# Example

Create Client makes use of the Handlebars template engine. You can use any programming language or file type. Your generator can also pass data to your templates in any shape you want.

In this example, we’ll create a simple Rust file defining a new struct and creating some instances of this struct.

# Generator

// ./Generator.js
import BaseGenerator from "@api-platform/create-client/lib/generators/BaseGenerator";

export default class extends BaseGenerator {
    constructor(params) {

        this.registerTemplates("", ["main.rs"]);

    help() {}

    generate(api, resource, dir) {
        const context = {
            type: "Tilia",
            structure: [
                { name: "name", type: "String" },
                { name: "min_size", type: "u8" },
                { name: "max_size", type: "u8" },
            list: [
                    name: "Tilia cordata",
                    minSize: 50,
                    maxSize: 80,
                    name: "Tilia platyphyllos",
                    minSize: 50,
                    maxSize: 70,
                    name: "Tilia tomentosa",
                    minSize: 50,
                    maxSize: 70,
                    name: "Tilia intermedia",
                    minSize: 50,
                    maxSize: 165,


        this.createFile("main.rs", `${dir}/main.rs`, context, false);

# Template

// template/main.rs
struct {{{type}}} {
  {{#each structure}}
  {{{name}}}: {{{type}}}

fn main() {
  let tilias = [
  {{#each list}}
    Tilia { name: "{{{name}}}", min_size: {{{minSize}}}, max_size: {{{maxSize}}}, },

Then we can use our generator:

npm init @api-platform/client https://demo.api-platform.com out/ -g "$(pwd)/Generator.js" -t "$(pwd)/template"

which will produces:

struct Tilia {
  name: String
  min_size: u8
  max_size: u8

fn main() {
  let tilias = [
    Tilia { name: "Tilia cordata", min_size: 50, max_size: 80, },
    Tilia { name: "Tilia platyphyllos", min_size: 50, max_size: 70, },
    Tilia { name: "Tilia tomentosa", min_size: 50, max_size: 70, },
    Tilia { name: "Tilia intermedia", min_size: 50, max_size: 165, },

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