v2.1 Configuration

The following options can be used in the configuration file.

# Customizing PHP Namespaces

Namespaces of generated PHP classes can be set globally, respectively for entities, enumerations and interfaces (if used with Doctrine Resolve Target Entity Listener option).


    entity: "Dunglas\EcommerceBundle\Entity"
    enum: "Dunglas\EcommerceBundle\Enum"
    interface: "Dunglas\EcommerceBundle\Model"

Namespaces can also be specified for a specific type. It will take precedence over any globally configured namespace.


            class: "Dunglas\CoreBundle\Entity" # Namespace for the Thing entity (works for enumerations too)
            interface: "Schema\Model" # Namespace of the related interface

# Forcing a Field Range

Schema.org allows a property to have several types. However, the generator allows only one type by property. If not configured, it will use the first defined type. The range option is useful to set the type of a given property. It can also be used to force a type (even if not in the Schema.org definition).


            logo: { range: "ImageObject" } # Force the range of the logo propery to ImageObject (can also be URL according to Schema.org)

            addressCountry: { range: "Text" } # Force the type to Text instead of Country

# Forcing a Field Cardinality

The cardinality of a property is automatically guessed. The cardinality option allows to override the guessed value. Supported cardinalities are:

  • (0..1): scalar, not required
  • (0..*): array, not required
  • (1..1): scalar, required
  • (1..*): array, required

Cardinalities are enforced by the class generator, the Doctrine ORM generator and the Symfony validation generator.


                cardinality: "(0..1)"

# Forcing a Relation Table Name

The relation table name between two entities is automatically guessed by Doctrine. The relationTableName option allows to override the default value.

This is useful when you need two entities to have more than one relation.


            contactPoint: { range: Person, relationTableName: organization_contactPoint }
                member: { range: Person, cardinality: (1..*) } ## Will be default value : organization_person

# Forcing (or Disabling) a Class Parent

Override the guessed class hierarchy of a given type with this option.


        parent: Thing # Force the parent to be Thing instead of CreativeWork > MediaObject
        properties: ~
        parent: false # No parent

# Forcing a Class to be Abstract

Force a class to be abstract (or to be not).


        abstract: true

# Forcing a Nullable Property

Force a property to be nullable (or to be not).

By default this option is true


            name: { nullable: false }

The @Assert\NotNull constrain is automatically added


 * @var string The name of the item.
 * @ORM\Column
 * @Assert\Type(type="string")
 * @Assert\NotNull
  private $name;

# Forcing a Unique Property

Force a property to be unique (or to be not).

By default this option is false


            email: { unique: true }



use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints\UniqueEntity;

 * A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
 * @see http://schema.org/Person Documentation on Schema.org
 * @ORM\Entity
 * @UniqueEntity("email")
 * @Iri("http://schema.org/Person")
class Person
     * @var string Email address.
     * @ORM\Column
     * @Assert\Email
    private $email;

# Making a Property Read Only

A property can be marked read only with the following configuration:

            email: { writable: false }

In such case, no mutator method will be generated.

# Making a Property Write Only

A property can be marked read only with the following configuration:

            email: { readable: false }

In this case, no getter method will be generated.

# Forcing a Property to be in a Serialization Group

Force a property to be in a groups.

Enabling the SerializerGroupsAnnotationGenerator generator:

    - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\SerializerGroupsAnnotationGenerator

This option expects an array of scalar value { groups: [ groups1, group2, ... ] }


            name: { groups: [ public ] }



use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;

 * A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
 * @see http://schema.org/Person Documentation on Schema.org
 * @ORM\Entity
 * @Iri("http://schema.org/Person")
class Person
     * @var string The name of the item.
     * @ORM\Column(nullable=true)
     * @Assert\Type(type="string")
     * @Iri("https://schema.org/name")
     * @Groups({"public"})
    private $name;

# Forcing an Embeddable Class to be Embedded

Force an embeddable class to be embedded.


        embeddable: true
        coordinates: { range: "GeoCoordinates", embedded: true, columnPrefix: false }

# Author PHPDoc

Add a @author PHPDoc annotation to class’ DocBlock.


author: "Kévin Dunglas <kevin@les-tilleuls.coop>"

# Disabling Generators and Creating Custom Ones

By default, all generators except DunglasJsonLdApi (API Platform v1) and SerializerGroups are enabled. You can specify the list of generators to use with the annotationGenerators option.

Example (enabling only the PHPDoc generator):

    - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\PhpDocAnnotationGenerator

You can write your generators by implementing the AnnotationGeneratorInterface. The AbstractAnnotationGenerator provides helper methods useful when creating your own generators.

Enabling a custom generator and the PHPDoc generator:

    - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\PhpDocAnnotationGenerator
    - Acme\Generators\MyGenerator

# Skipping Accessor Method Generation

It’s possible to skip the generation of accessor methods. This is particularly useful combined with the visibility: public option.

To skip the generation of accessor methods, use the following config:

accessorMethods: false

It’s possible to skip

# Disabling the id Generator

By default, the generator adds a property called id not provided by Schema.org. This is useful when generating an entity for use with an ORM or an ODM but not when generating DTOs. This behavior can be disabled with the following setting:

  generate: false

# Generating UUIDs

It’s also possible to let the DBMS generate UUIDs instead of autoincremented integers:

  generationStrategy: uuid

# User submitted UUIDs

To set manually a UUID instead of letting the DBMS generating it, use the following config:

  generationStrategy: uuid
  writable: true

# Generating Custom IDs

With this configuration option, an $id property of type string and the corresponding getters and setters will be generated, but the DBMS will not generate anything, the ID must be set manually.

  generationStrategy: none

# Disabling Usage of Doctrine Collection

By default, the generator use classes provided by the Doctrine Collections library to store collections of entities. This is useful (and required) when using Doctrine ORM or Doctrine ODM. This behavior can be disabled (to fallback to standard arrays) with the following setting:

    useCollection: false

# Changing the Field Visibility

Generated fields have a private visibility and are exposed through getters and setters. The default visibility can be changed with the fieldVisibility otion.


fieldVisibility: "protected"

# Generating @Assert\Type Annotations

It’s possible to automatically generate Symfony validator’s @Assert\Type annotations using the following config:

  assertType: true

# Forcing Doctrine Inheritance Mapping Annotation

The standard behavior of the generator is to use the @MappedSuperclass Doctrine annotation for classes with children and @Entity for classes with no child.

The inheritance annotation can be forced for a given type like the following:

            inheritanceMapping: "@MappedSuperclass"

This setting is only relevant when using the Doctrine ORM generator.

# Interfaces and Doctrine Resolve Target Entity Listener

ResolveTargetEntityListener is a feature of Doctrine to keep modules independent. It allows to specify interfaces and abstract classes in relation mappings.

If you set the option useInterface to true, the generator will generate an interface corresponding to each generated entity and will use them in relation mappings.

To let PHP Schema generating the XML mapping file usable with Symfony add the following to your config file:

    resolveTargetEntityConfigPath: path/to/doctrine.xml

# Custom Schemas

The generator can use your own schema definitions. They must be written in RDFa and follow the format of the Schema.org’s definition. This is useful to document your Schema.org extensions and use them to generate the PHP data model of your application.


    - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvguha/schemaorg/master/data/schema.rdfa # Experimental version of Schema.org
    - http://example.com/data/myschema.rfa # Additional types

You can also use any other vocabulary. Check the Linked Open Vocabularies to find one fitting your needs.

For instance, to generate a data model from the Video Game Ontology, use the following config file:

  - http://vocab.linkeddata.es/vgo/GameOntologyv3.owl # The URL of the vocabulary definition

    vocabularyNamespace: http://purl.org/net/VideoGameOntology#

  # ...

# Checking GoodRelation Compatibility

If the checkIsGoodRelations option is set to true, the generator will emit a warning if an encountered property is not par of the GoodRelations schema.

This is useful when generating e-commerce data model.

# PHP File Header

Prepend all generated PHP files with a custom comment.


header: |
     * This file is part of the Ecommerce package.
     * (c) Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com>
     * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
     * file that was distributed with this source code.

# Full Configuration Reference


    # RDFa files

        # Prototype

            # RDFa URI to use
            uri:                  'https://schema.org/docs/schema_org_rdfa.html' # Example: https://schema.org/docs/schema_org_rdfa.html

            # RDFa URI data format
            format:               null # Example: rdfxml

    # OWL relation files to use

        # Default:
        - https://purl.org/goodrelations/v1.owl

    # Debug mode
    debug:                false

    # IDs configuration

        # Automatically add an id field to entities
        generate:             true

        # The ID generation strategy to use ("none" to not let the database generate IDs).
        generationStrategy:   auto # One of "auto"; "none"; "uuid"; "mongoid"

        # Is the ID writable? Only applicable if "generationStrategy" is "uuid".
        writable:             false

    # Generate interfaces and use Doctrine's Resolve Target Entity feature
    useInterface:         false

    # Emit a warning if a property is not derived from GoodRelations
    checkIsGoodRelations: false

    # A license or any text to use as header of generated files
    header:               false # Example: // (c) Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com>

    # PHP namespaces

        # The namespace of the generated entities
        entity:               AppBundle\Entity # Example: Acme\Entity

        # The namespace of the generated enumerations
        enum:                 AppBundle\Enum # Example: Acme\Enum

        # The namespace of the generated interfaces
        interface:            AppBundle\Model # Example: Acme\Model

    # Doctrine

        # Use Doctrine's ArrayCollection instead of standard arrays
        useCollection:        true

        # The Resolve Target Entity Listener config file pass
        resolveTargetEntityConfigPath: null

    # Symfony Validator Component

        # Generate @Assert\Type annotation
        assertType:           false

    # The value of the phpDoc's @author annotation
    author:               false # Example: Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com>

    # Visibility of entities fields
    fieldVisibility:      private # One of "private"; "protected"; "public"

    # Set this flag to false to not generate getter, setter, adder and remover methods
    accessorMethods:      true

    # Set this flag to true to generate fluent setter, adder and remover methods
    fluentMutatorMethods: false

    # Schema.org's types to use

        # Prototype

            # Namespace of the vocabulary the type belongs to.
            vocabularyNamespace:  'http://schema.org/'

            # Is the class abstract? (null to guess)
            abstract:             null

            # Is the class embeddable?
            embeddable:           false

            # Type namespaces

                # The namespace for the generated class (override any other defined namespace)
                class:                null

                # The namespace for the generated interface (override any other defined namespace)
                interface:            null

                # The Doctrine inheritance mapping type (override the guessed one)
                inheritanceMapping:   null

            # The parent class, set to false for a top level class
            parent:               false

            # If declaring a custom class, this will be the class from which properties type will be guessed
            guessFrom:            Thing

            # Import all existing properties
            allProperties:        false

            # Properties of this type to use

                # Prototype

                    # The property range
                    range:                null # Example: Offer

                    # The relation table name
                    relationTableName:    null # Example: organization_member
                    cardinality:          unknown # One of "(0..1)"; "(0..*)"; "(1..1)"; "(1..*)"; "(*..0)"; "(*..1)"; "(*..*)"; "unknown"

                    # The doctrine column annotation content
                    ormColumn:            null # Example: type="decimal", precision=5, scale=1, options={"comment" = "my comment"}

                    # Symfony Serialization Groups
                    groups:               []

                    # Is the property readable?
                    readable:             true

                    # Is the property writable?
                    writable:             true

                    # Is the property nullable?
                    nullable:             true

                    # The property unique
                    unique:               false

                    # Is the property embedded?
                    embedded:             false

                    # The property columnPrefix
                    columnPrefix:         false

    # Annotation generators to use

        # Defaults:
        - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\PhpDocAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\DoctrineOrmAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\ApiPlatformCoreAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\ConstraintAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\AnnotationGenerator\SerializerGroupsAnnotationGenerator

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