TypeScript Interfaces

The TypeScript Generator allows you to create TypeScript interfaces that you can embed in any TypeScript-enabled project (React, Vue.js, Angular..).

To do so, run the generator:

npm init @api-platform/client https://demo.api-platform.com src/ -- --generator typescript --resource foo
# Replace the URL with the entrypoint of your Hydra-enabled API.

src/ is where the interfaces will be generated.

Omit the resource flag to generate files for all resource types exposed by the API. You can also use an OpenAPI documentation with -f openapi3.

This command parses the Hydra documentation and creates one .ts file for each API Resource you have defined in your application, in the interfaces subfolder.

Note: If you are not sure what the entrypoint is, see Troubleshooting.

# Example

Assuming you have 2 resources in your application, Foo and Bar, when you run:

npm init @api-platform/client https://demo.api-platform.com src/ -- --generator typescript

You will obtain 2 .ts files arranged as following:

  • src/
    • interfaces/
      • foo.ts
      • bar.ts

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