API Platform provides an integration with the Symfony Messenger Component.

This feature allows to implement the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern in a convenient way. It also makes it easy to send messages through the web API that will be consumed asynchronously.

Many transports are supported to dispatch messages to async consumers, including RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Amazon SQS and Google Pub/Sub.

# Installing Symfony Messenger

To enable the support of Messenger, install the library:

docker compose exec php \
    composer require messenger

# Dispatching a Resource through the Message Bus

Set the messenger attribute to true, and API Platform will automatically dispatch the API Resource instance as a message using the message bus provided by the Messenger Component. The following example allows you to create a new Person in an asynchronous manner:

// api/src/Entity/Person.php
namespace App\Entity;

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiProperty;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Get;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use ApiPlatform\Action\NotFoundAction;

#[ApiResource(operations: [
  new Get(controller: NotFoundAction::class, read: false, status: 404),
  new Post(messenger: true, output: false, status: 202)
final class Person
    #[ApiProperty(identifier: true)]
    public string $id;

    public string $name;
# api/config/api_platform/resources.yaml
                status: 202
                messenger: true
                output: false
                status: 404
                controller: ApiPlatform\Action\NotFoundAction
                read: false

Because the messenger attribute is true, when a POST is handled by API Platform, the corresponding instance of the Person will be dispatched.

For this example, only the POST operation is enabled. We disabled the item operation using the NotFoundAction. A resource must have at least one item operation as it must be identified by an IRI, here the route /people/1 exists, eventhough it returns a 404 status code. We use the status attribute to configure API Platform to return a 202 Accepted HTTP status code. It indicates that the request has been received and will be treated later, without giving an immediate return to the client. Finally, the output attribute is set to false, so the HTTP response that will be generated by API Platform will be empty, and the serialization process will be skipped.

Note: when using messenger=true ApiResource attribute in a Doctrine entity, the Doctrine Processor is not called. If you want the Doctrine Processor to be called, you should decorate a built-in state processor and implement your own logic.

# Registering a Message Handler

To process the message that will be dispatched, a handler must be created:

// api/src/Handler/PersonHandler.php

namespace App\Handler;

use App\Entity\Person;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler;

final class PersonHandler
    public function __invoke(Person $person)
        // do something with the resource

That’s all!

By default, the handler will process your message synchronously. If you want it to be consumed asynchronously (e.g. by a worker machine), configure a transport and the consumer.

# Accessing the Data Returned by the Handler

API Platform automatically uses the Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\HandledStamp when set. It means that if you use a synchronous handler, the data returned by the __invoke method replaces the original data.

In cases where multiple handlers are registered, the last handler return value will be used as output. If none are returned, ensure resource configuration defines no output with output=false. Handler ordering can be configured using messenger priority tag.

# Detecting Removals

When a DELETE operation occurs, API Platform automatically adds a ApiPlatform\Symfony\Messenger\RemoveStamp “stamp” instance to the “envelope”. To differentiate typical persists calls (create and update) and removal calls, check for the presence of this stamp using a custom “middleware”.

# Using Messenger with an Input Object

Set the messenger attribute to input, and API Platform will automatically dispatch the given Input as a message instead of the Resource. Indeed, it’ll add a default DataTransformer (see input/output documentation) that handles the given input. In this example, we’ll handle a ResetPasswordRequest on a custom operation on our User resource:

// api/src/Entity/User.php
namespace App\Entity;

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\GetCollection;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post;
use App\Dto\ResetPasswordRequest;

#[ApiResource(operations: [
  new GetCollection(),
  new Post(),
  new Post(
      name: 'reset_password', 
      status: 202, 
      messenger: 'input', 
      input: ResetPasswordRequest::class, 
      output: false, 
      uriTemplate: '/users/reset_password'
final class User
    // ...

Where ResetPasswordRequest would be:

// api/src/Dto/ResetPasswordRequest.php

namespace App\Dto;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

final class ResetPasswordRequest
    public string $username;

As above, we use the status attribute to configure API Platform to return a 202 Accepted HTTP status code. It indicates that the request has been received and will be treated later, without giving an immediate return to the client. Finally, the output attribute is set to false, so the HTTP response that will be generated by API Platform will be empty, and the serialization process will be skipped.

In this case, when a POST request is issued on /users/reset_password the message handler will receive an App\Dto\ResetPasswordRequest object instead of a User because we specified it as input and set messenger=input:

// api/src/Handler/ResetPasswordRequestHandler.php

namespace App\Handler;

use App\Dto\ResetPasswordRequest;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler;

final class ResetPasswordRequestHandler
    public function __invoke(ResetPasswordRequest $forgotPassword)
        // do something with the resource

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